Monday, December 23, 2019

Leadership Styles Within The Workplace - 1511 Words

Organizations large and small have different leadership styles within. Some of them are very laidback and others follow company manuals to the â€Å"T†. The purpose of leadership is to create and promote change, and that people involved in leadership are not just the subject of change but also the driving force behind it (DeGrosky, 2012). A leader must understand the goals and objectives of a company and do everything in their power to accomplish them. An effective way to accomplish this is leading by example. Leaders encourage, motivate, coach, and most importantly, they walk the talk. Unfortunately, organizations have leaders who do not share the same commitment as others. These leadership styles can be daggers to some companies that will eventually lead to trouble if not properly managed. Not all companies are equal but they all share commonalities when it comes to leadership. As a leader in our organization, I witness unfair practices from our directors. For the pu rpose of this assignment, I will refer to our organization as Mentors, Inc. When I speak of unfair practices, some of our directors are there simply to collect a paycheck and often forget the essential tasks that come with their title. When trying to understand leadership and motivation, it is important to understand why people work. Some people work only for the money (Reis Geller, 2010, p. 4). Failing to Respond to Employee Emails This is a common practice at Mentors, Inc. The majority of ourShow MoreRelatedEffective Leadership Styles Within The Workplace1584 Words   |  7 PagesEffective leadership styles Abstract An effective leader influences their employees in a desired manner to achieve goals and objectives. Different leadership styles can affect an organization’s effectiveness and performance. 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