Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Describe The Concept Of Messiah Religion Essay Essay Example

Describe The Concept Of Messiah Religion Essay Essay Example Describe The Concept Of Messiah Religion Essay Essay Describe The Concept Of Messiah Religion Essay Essay 1 ) Describe the construct of Messiah as revealed in chapter 53. 2 ) Defend the integrity of Isaiah, the fact that an 8th century B.C. prophesier in Jerusalem was responsible for all 66 chapters of our book of Isaiah. When you compare the Old Testament book of Isaiah, with its 66 chapters, to each book in the Bible, you can see a direct relationship between the two. The astonishing portion of this is that the Bible was written by different writers, in different linguistic communications, and different civilizations at different times. Isaiah s prognostications were written by him turn toing his existent life state of affairss and the people of his twenty-four hours through direct inspirations from God to Isaiah. God was fundamentally utilizing Isaiah s prognostications to acquire His message out to the people at the clip, nevertheless, this connexion between the book of Isaiah and the Bible is an illustration of the genuineness of the Bible as God s word. As stated in our class notes written by D. Kelly Ogden, The Old Testament Religion A 302, Lesson 6, The Words of Isaiah, p. 116-117, The Book of Mormon is clear grounds that Isaiah, populating in Jerusalem in the 8th century B.C. , is responsibl e for the full sixty-six chapters since whole chapters from all parts of Isaiah are quoted from the brass plates which Lehi took from Jerusalem about 600 B.C.- screening that the whole book of prognostication was compiled and recorded before the prognostications were fulfilled and before Cyrus was even born . Besides, contrary to many bookmans who consider Isaiah 40-66 to be work of another prophesier composing much later than Isaiah ( or even several subsequently writers ) , New Testament authors and Latter-day Saints seem to hold that Isaiah so was the exclusive writer of all 66 chapters. The Old Testament Religion A 302, Ogden, Kelly D. , Brigham Young University Department of Independent Study, Lesson 6, p. 116-117. , Provo, Utah 1993. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.crivoice.ora/isaiahunity.html hypertext transfer protocol: // 11/20/2009 3 ) Looking back over your survey of the Hagiographas of Isaiah, explain in what ways you have come to appreciate the Savior s acclaim that, great are the words of Isaiah. More than any other book in the Old Testament, the book of Isaiah describes the redemption that will come when the Messiah ( Jesus Christ ) is sent to us by our male parent, The Lord Our God. Isaiah 9:7 ; 32:1 provinces: The Messiah will one twenty-four hours regulation in justness and righteousness. Isaiah 11: 6-9 provinces: The reign of the Messiah will convey peace and safety to Israel. Through the Messiah, Israel will be a light to all states ( Isaiah 42:6 ; 55: 4-5 ) . Isaiah Chapter 65-66 provinces: The Messiah s land on Earth is the end towards which all of the Book of Isaiah points. It is during the reign of the Messiah that God s righteousness will be to the full revealed to the universe. Isaiah s prognostications are the messages and ends that are taught in all Christian services that I ve attended in my life-time. The chief subject or message provinces: That sometime shortly, Jesus Christ will once more come to earth in judgement, forgiving our wickednesss, and if I person ally repent and accept Jesus Christ ( the Messiah ) as my Jesus, all of my wickednesss will be forgiven and I will populate an ageless life in Heaven vs. traveling to Hell. The book of Isaiah, particularly Chapter 53 describes in a nutshell, who this Messiah ( Jesus Christ ) is, and how he will populate and fundamentally why God is directing Him to us. In my sentiment, of all of the major and minor Prophetss, Isaiah s prognostications and messages are the most powerful and compelling words that I ve read so far. Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // The Old Testament Religion A 302, Ogden, Kelly D. , Department of Independent Study, Lesson 6, p. 121-122, Provo, Utah 1993.

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